Péter Kovács
Bob Cosechador Дмитрий Волочаев
Dave Devetter Tony Doan
Dinko Kralik A Nik Nuk
Kalameitsau Siarhei Zoran Fabekovic
Tok Yanru Lucy Burder
Planète Numérique Dimitris Vardoulis
Dávid Pallai Nick Iosifidis Wim Osinga
Николай Якушев Joanna Poon Nikos Vlachatsos
Irone Rajadomaintasik Ivan Fernandez Paniagua Spiretos Tozios
Sklavenitis Christos Sorin Lungu Igor Kolodrub
Красимир Стефанов Kiss Olivér Eugene Kravtsoff
Timur Bazilev Тимур Вдовиченко Michiru Back
Miro Matusak Ivan Laco Christoffer Corey Tilander Ivica Klanac Miklós Vámos
Rupesh Patel Karim Yahia Varga Casbi Csaba Lukasz Szczepan Wypych Armin Patel
Svetoslav Stefanov
Ilias Gk Giorgos Lympertas דניאל בר-דגן Rui Pinto
Jose Lara Chris Pincer Spiretos Tozios Tanja Banić Kostas Vamosaris
Daniel Crosser Ruben Bernardo Dwra Lumperta Sergio Manjarrez Thanasis Thanasouras
Urmas Elmik Keven Joe Nikos Malliaros Stas Nepo Ara A. Setrakian
Zoran Fabekovic Sottie Rottie Сергей Омелаев Veronica Silvia Flores Caballero Andreas Kay
Vitor Costa Matt Morlas Tony Doan Diamantis Klimentidis Тимур Вдовиченко
Dreptate Daniel Myroslav Galavai Alper Koçer Yigal Maman Stefan Boerma
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Random Draw Rule:

1) We will give every valid comment a draw code.
2) We will use “Random Integer Generator” to generate a list of 31 winners for Grand Prize, First Prize & Second
Prize. The first code of the list will win Grand Prize(1000 US Dollars), the second code to the eleventh code will
win the First Prize(Smart Phone/Each), the twelfth code to the thirty first code will win the Second Prize(Tablet/Each).
3) The first 50 participants who gave a valid comment will win the Third Prize(Mystery Gift/Each).
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